Umbrella Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Southeast Asia: Framework for Collaboration 2015-2020

In line with the overall thrust of SEARCA in its 10th Five Year Plan (FYP) of inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development (ISARD), the Umbrella Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Southeast Asia or Umbrella Program on CChAM has been developed to serve as a platform for collaborative research and development (R&D), and knowledge management and capacity development (KMCD) on climate change adaptation and resiliency in Southeast Asia.

CCHAMP Framework (2015 2020)The Umbrella Program on CChAM is not an attempt to develop a new research agenda on climate change nor does it attempt to put all the existing research agenda of the partner institutions under one "umbrella program." In as much as institutions already have their respective priorities, focus areas on the subject matter, and accomplishments, this umbrella program identifies priority areas of convergence and collaboration at the regional and sub-regional levels, where institutions can work together, pool resources, and address gaps or move in directions where their joint efforts provide a strategic advantage for climate resiliency in SEA. It is hoped that the synergy created by the Umbrella Program can produce added value in terms of new knowledge, technologies, capacities, processes, and inputs to policies at the national and ASEAN levels than what is currently being generated by institutions working on their own specific research agenda.

This Umbrella Program on CChAM is seen as strategic and is anchored on the ASEAN Multi-Sectoral Framework on Climate Change (AFCC) and reflective of areas where there is willingness to collaborate at the regional level among the participating institutions. It can also support the implementation of the ASEAN Vision for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (2016-2025) where climate change will be a crucial concern. It is likewise drawn from the work, experiences, and lessons of other institutions and research programs working on related subject matter. The framework for collaboration and the thematic/subthematic projects and activities laid out have been developed from a scoping study of frameworks, initiatives, and literature on climate change in the region and validated in the Regional Consultation Workshop held on 12-14 May 2015 in Hanoi, Vietnam with 59 participants, representing government, academe and research institutions, non-government organizations, and international organizations based in different countries.

Additional Information

Research and Development and Technical Assistance

TitleDuration/ CoverageObjectivesPartner/DonorOutputsStatus
ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry Strategic Response Fund (ASRF) under the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change Phase III Mar 2017 – Feb 2020
  • To enable the AMS Leaders and Focal Points to quickly respond to emerging issues and challenges and articulate policy recommendations and directions on social forestry as it relates to climate change, food security, and poverty alleviation.
  • To support regional/ASEAN-level initiatives of developing policy frameworks and guidelines for cross-sectoral collaboration in support of the ASEAN Multi- Sectoral Framework on Climate Change: Agriculture and Forestry towards Food Security (AFCC) 2016-2025, and the ASEAN Vision of Regional Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ASEAN-FAF) 2016-2025.
ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (ASRF); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); Non-Timber Forest Product-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP); Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC); World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
  • provide funds and/or need-based services which could be any of the following: quick "turn-around" studies; exploratory reviews; meta-analysis/analytical studies and think pieces; dialogues/roundtable discussions/national and local consultation; and learning exchange activities
  • provide funds for AMS Leaders and Focal Points on social forestry to present a paper in a conference or forum relevant to their work on SF
  • development of a Business Plan for ASRF to determine how the fund can grow, analyzing possible fund leverage schemes from international donors and AMS.
Piloting and Upscaling Effective Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (ISARD) Models/Agricultural Systems  
  • Harvest SEARCA's 40 year-experience in ARD and bring this to bear upon the lives of the rural poor and vulnerable sectors in the Region;
  • Enhance the capacity of communities and partner institutions in effective agricultural systems that demonstrate increased benefit for the poor and vulnerable groups through integrated ground-level interventions; and
  • Assess the enabling environment, processes and performance in implementing effective agricultural systems.
  • Specifically,
    • Showcase need-based productivity-enhancing and environment-friendly technologies and practices and other critical elements of people-centered development;
    • Draw lessons and identify best practices that can be replicated and expanded in other areas;
    • Institutionalize active community and local institutions' participation to ensure sustainability of ISARD models and projects; and
    • Identify anticipated outcomes and impact, and use them to formulate adaptive measures/interventions as well as to integrate the design of impact evaluation studies within the Project design.
VSU, ViCAARP and Inopacan, Leyte LGU; MinSCAT and Victoria, Oriental Mindoro LGU
  • Enhance the capacity of communities and partner institutions in effective agricultural systems that demonstrate increased benefit for the poor and vulnerable groups, as well as assess the enabling environment, socio-economic processes and overall performance in implementing effective agricultural systems.
    • A well-established set of need-based productivity-enhancing and environment-friendly technologies and practices and other critical elements of people-centered development;
    • A set of recommendations based on lessons drawn and identified best practices that can be used to formulate strategies for replicating and expanding the project in other areas;
    • Institutionalization of active community and local institutions' participation, through local legislation, that is meant to ensure sustainability of ISARD models and projects; and
    • Identified set of outcomes and impact that can be used to formulate adaptive measures and interventions, and integration of the design of impact evaluation studies within the Project design.
Dec 2015 – Nov 2018
Mar 2016 – Feb 2019
IFS-SEARCA Collaborative Research Grants Pilot Aug 2015 – Dec 2019
  • Strengthen research capacity in food and nutrition security and environmental sustainability toward inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia
  • Specifically, strengthen collaborative research capacity of young researchers and scientists in the field of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CChAM) as it relates to agriculture and rural development in the region
IFS; CCAFS; young career scientists in SEA
  • Collaborative research studies aimed at providing science-based solutions to current issues and concerns in climate change adaptation and mitigation
Participatory Action Research on School- and Community-Based Food and Nutrition Program for Literacy, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development Jan 2016 – Jun 2017
  • Improve the nutritional condition and dietary habits of school-aged children by increasing production of locally adapted vegetables through school gardening and consequently contribute to the community's food and nutrition security;
  • Increase diversity and availability of food within the local community that will meet the nutritional needs of children;
  • Increase the knowledge and improve the skills of students and teachers on food production and nutrition through experiential learning activities that inculcate the importance of agriculture, environmental concerns, and the use of locally adapted green technologies; and
  • Reduce families' food expenses, create savings, and provide an alternative source of income for families to alleviate poverty.
DepEd Laguna; UPLB; SEAMES Phase 1. Preliminary Phase
  • The preliminary phase includes the selection of pilot schools, conduct of planning workshop, assessment of existing school gardens, baseline study on the nutritional status of children, preparation of garden plans, curricula review and acquisition of garden inputs and structures.
Phase 2. Establishment and Maintenance Phase
  • Phase 2 involves the establishment and maintenance of the school gardens, development of lesson plans integrating agriculture and nutrition concepts to the current curriculum, development of training manuals, organization of core groups and establishment of linkages and cross-visits and monitoring of project sites.
Phase 3. Value-Adding Phase
  • Phase 3 includes the following activities: harvesting of produce, assessment of garden produce and utilization, end line study on the nutritional status of children, awarding of outstanding school garden, and development of upscaling strategy.
Strengthening Implementation of Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA Project 1) Apr 2015 – Dec 2016
  • Strengthen its capacity in providing highly responsive (efficient and resilient) agriculture and fishery support services as envisaged in its Adaptation and Mitigation Initiatives in Agriculture (AMIA) program
Department of Agriculture, Philippines
  • Recommendations to make DA's policies, planning, operations, monitoring, and evaluation functions related to its key mandates, namely Research and Development (R&D), Agriculture and Fishery Regulation, and Agricultural Extension, Climate Change-resilient
  • Review of DA's planning, monitoring and evaluation systems including the reformulation of Agriculture Rehabilitation Plan for Yolanda-Affected Areas and recommendations on systems and procedures to achieve CC-resiliency in DA's plans and budget
  • Establishment and operation of an Integrated Climate Change Geographic Information System (ICCGIS) laboratory at the central office and the production of multi-hazard and crop suitability maps in support of DA's functions
  • Review and formulation of policies on disaster risks reduction and management (DRRM)
  • Initial capacity building interventions to key DA officers; and
  • Initial institutional assessment; and the conduct of special studies in support of above concerns
Coordination of the ASEAN Network on Promoting Climate Resilience of Rice and Other Crops – ASEAN-German Programme on Response to Climate Change (GAP-CC) Dec 2013 - May 2015
  • To promote a common understanding of the climate change related threat to the agriculture sector focused on selected crops (rice, maize and cassava);
  • To identify successful practices and policies at AMS level for tackling these climate change related threats that can be promoted and up-scaled; and
  • To identify common concerns and capacity needs, and propose regional support strategies and instruments to address these in a coherent manner
(GIZ) Indonesia; ATWGARD
  • Facilitate the regional platform; and
  • Establish national research teams in the seven pilot countries with the aim of identification and formulation of regional support measures in strengthening climate resilience of the selected value chains
National Action Plans for Mitigation in Rice: Comparative Assessment of Institutional Setting and Possible Entry Points for Intervention in the Philippines and Vietnam  15 Jul 2016 - 31 Jan 2017
  • To identify bottlenecks in the implementation process and entry points for international institutions to support implementation of national mitigation plans in the rice sub-sector
  • To highlight key stakeholders and their roles as well as posit recommendations on how to effectively involve them to successfully reduce the carbon footprint of rice production in the Philippines and Vietnam
International Rice Research Institute
  • Improved level of understanding of the dynamics of implementation of climate change mitigation policy, particularly in the rice sub-sector, in the Philippines and Vietnam.
  • Better grasp of the INDCs, national climate change action plans, related initiatives in GHG mitigation in the rice sub-sector and the resources entailed.
  • Identified potential bottlenecks in the implementation of national mitigation plans in the rice sub-sector.
  • Possible entry points for interventions in support of the implementation of national mitigation plans in the rice sub-sector.
  • Understanding how climate change policies developed at the national level are translated to the local level.
  • Recommendations on effectively involving stakeholders to reduce the carbon footprint of rice production in the Philippines and Vietnam.
ASEAN Social Forestry Network Strategic Response Fund (ASFN Flexible Funding Mechanism) ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry and Climate Change (ASFCC) Phase II Apr 2014 – Feb 2017 (35 months)
  • To enable the AMS Focal Points to quickly respond to emerging issues and challenges and articulate policy recommendations and directions on social forestry as it relates to climate change, food security, and poverty alleviation
ASEAN Social Forestry Network (ASFN); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); Non-Timber Forest Product-Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP); Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC); World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
  • Provide funds and/or need-based services which could include, but are not limited to, quick "turn-around" studies; exploratory reviews; meta-analysis/analytical studies and think pieces; study tours; dialogues/roundtable discussions; position or background papers as inputs to policy debates and decision-making; and very strategic training scholarships
ADB TA 7189-INO: Institutional Strengthening for Integrated Water Resources Management in the 6 Cis River Basin Territory (Package E) Jan 2011 – Mar 2016
  • Strengthen the institutional capacity of the National, Provincial and Municipal governments of the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with the 2004 Water Law with implementation directed through common strategic planning
AECOM Asia as the Lead Firm. Funded by the Asian Development Bank.
  • Increased ability of the stakeholders to successfully and efficiently manage the Water Resources to cope with climate change impact in the CRB area
TA-8493 PHI: Climate Resilience and Green Growth in Critical Watersheds (46441-001) Apr 2014 – Jun 2017
  • Integrate climate change and disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) into national, sector, and local development plans and programs
Asian Development Bank
  • Project brochures for each of 9 LGUs
  • LGU-specific case study reports (e.g., GHG inventory)
  • Vulnerability and impact assessment reports in priority sectors (e.g., water resources, agriculture, transport) for each watershed
  • Four guidance manuals (a) baseline calculation methodology, (b) GHG inventory, (c) economic valuation of natural resources and ecosystem services, and (d) Payment for Ecosystem Services
TA-8111 PHI: Climate Resilience and Green Growth in the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape: Demonstrating the Eco-town Framework (46225-001) Nov 2012 – Sep 2015
  • Demonstrate the eco-town framework in the Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape and strengthen the capacity of local government units (LGUs) for mainstreaming green, climate resilient growth options in development planning
Asian Development Bank
  • Full socio-economic profiling at the UMRBPL, climate modeling and risk assessment, greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
  • Production of GIS maps; and
  • At least five knowledge products on topics such as stakeholder perceptions on green growth and climate resilience, GHG inventory at the LGU level, green growth road map development, ecosystems valuation, and demonstration of eco-town framework
Seed Fund for Research and Training (SFRT) Projects
(List of SFRT Projects)
2005 - present
  • To provide start-up funds to young researchers and scientists who can make significant contributions to the development of the region but lack the funds to carry out their projects
Researchers from Southeast Asia
  • Research reports, policy briefs, discussion papers
  • Disseminated research results through scientific fora/ conferences
  • Enhanced capacities of researchers
  • More robust body of knowledge on ARD
  • Policy recommendations
Ongoing Program
Policy Roundtable, Forums, and Technical Workshops
(List of Policy Roundtable)
2004 - present
  • To provide a venue for rural development practitioners, including policymakers, to discuss collaborative strategies and policy instruments to combat poverty and food insecurity amidst challenges brought about by various factors including market globalization, climatic events, economic and financial crisis, etc.
  • To further develop capacities of human resources in the CLMV countries especially on effective and sound policy formulation, implementation and evaluation
International development agencies; Relevant national government agencies; Non-government organizations; Private Sector
  • Critical mass of technical (policy) experts in agriculture and related fields produced
  • Quality of service delivery and governance of policies, rules and regulations improved
  • Knowledge exchange and the joint undertaking of projects that address common concerns and issues that hinder agricultural growth and food security improvement promoted
  • Linkages and cooperation of institutions in the region towards the attainment of sustained agricultural growth, building up of the sector's competitiveness and facilitation of cross-border trade of agricultural products established and strengthened
Ongoing Program

Graduate Scholarship

TitleDuration/ CoverageObjectivesPartner/DonorOutputsStatus

Dissertation/thesis of scholars
(Details here)

2015 to 2019 This research exercise aims to demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills acquired through the graduate program and eventually contribute “new” body of knowledge to a certain field or discipline.
  • DAAD
  • IDRC
  • Tokyo NODAI
  • Thesis/ Dissertation manuscripts
  • Journal articles
  • Oral and Poster Presentations in Conferences and Seminars
Ongoing program

Professorial Chair Grant
(Details here)

2015 to 2019 The grant aims to give due recognition to outstanding Southeast Asian experts in the academe in specific fields of study relevant to the broad themes of Agricultural Competitiveness and Natural Resource Management.


  • Professorial lecture
  • Monograph/Knowledge products
Ongoing program

Knowledge Management

Program/InitiativesDuration/ CoverageGoal/ObjectivesPartner/DonorOutputsStatus

Knowledge/learning events and initiatives
(Details here)

  • International/regional conferences
  • International/regional learning events
    • Executive fora
    • Policy roundtables
    • Online course
    • Seminars
    • Workshops

Publications and non-traditional materials
(Details here)

  • Books
  • Policy briefs
  • Research, experience, and learning notes/briefs
  • Event proceedings
  • Discussion paper series
  • Others

Details here

Continuing (core) offerings and project-based: 3-5 day events

1-2 hour seminars


Promote a learning culture, knowledge sharing and use, and knowledge creation in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia


Update professionals and decision-makers in ARD institutions in SEA on contemporary issues, emerging perspectives, and competencies and skills on ISARD
Provide access to evidence-based information and knowledge that advance ISARD in SEA
Encourage and support knowledge creation and intellectual and scholarly productivity in ISARD for Southeast Asia

Varies per event
  • Completion reports/proceedings for harvesting of materials (publications) for dissemination
  • Cohort of equipped actors in agricultural and rural development from various sectors
Completed and ongoing

List of Seed Fund for Research and Training (SFRT) Projects, 2015-2019

Title of Research StudyCountry
1 Demystifying Climate Adaptation Finance for the Poor Rural-Agricultural Communities and the Vulnerable Sector: The Case of the People’s Survival Fund in the Philippines Philippines
1 Building sustainable community-based disaster resilience and proposing effective agricultural production for livelihood development to Sampan Dwellers in Central Vietnam Vietnam
2 Freshening salinity areas: Implications of Ba Lai irrigation scheme for agro-ecosystems and household adaptation in Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province Vietnam
1 Developing sustainable biogas solutions from biomass in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Options and barriers for increased usage of biomass among farmers and households in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs Vietnam
2 The Islanders Small Scale Fishermen Adaptation towards Climate Change Impacts in Malaysia Malaysia
3 Exploring livelihood vulnerability and adaptation to saltwater intrusion and droughts in two coastal communities in Mekong Delta: A Case Study in Lich Hoi Thuong commune, Tran De District, Soc Trang Province Vietnam
1 Review Assessment of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Models in Vietnam, Selection and Proposal of Appropriate CSA Models for Replication Vietnam
2 Use of ICT to Assess Climate and Land Use Changes Impacts on Hydrological Responses and Sediment Yield for Future Land Use Planning and Sustainable Water Management - A Case Study in the Upper Ma River Basin, Nothwestern Vietnam Vietnam
3 Assessment of Traditional Rice Based Farming Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta Vietnam
4 Climate Change impact on Rice Production and Adaptation: A Case Study of Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Areas on the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Vietnam

List of Dissertation/Thesis of Scholars, 2015-2019

FY 2014/2015

  1. "Assessing Rice Farmers' Use of Seasonal Weather Forecasts Data to Cope with Climate Variability in Central Highland of Vietnam" (Nguyen Thi Chung, MS Agricultural Systems Management, Vietnam)
  2. "Farmers' Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change Pressure on Highland Coffee Production, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam" (Tran Cao Uy, MS Agricultural Systems Management, Vietnam)


  1. "Thermal and Soil Moisture Regimes Mapping and Analysis at the Municipal Level in Support to Food Security Amidst Global Climate Change"(Bathsheba A. Aprilla, MS Soil Science, Philippines)
  2. "Impact of REDD+ on Livelihood and Food Security in the Upland Areas of Vietnam" (Nguyen Tien Dinh, PhD Agricultural Economics, Vietnam)
  3. "Diversity, Physiological and Morphological Attributes of Indigenous Tree Species for Rehabilitation, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation of Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape" (Joseph Angelus F. Palomar, PhD Forestry, Philippines)
  4. "Modeling and Evaluation of Risks from Water-induced Erosion and Landslide in Wahig-Inabanga Watershed, Bohol, Philippines" (Tomas D. Reyes, Jr., PhD Forestry, Philippines)
  5. "Use of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) to enhance Irrigation and water Management in the Agricultural Food Production Areas for better Adaptation to Climate Change and Global Warming" (Moises Dorado, PhD Agricultural Engineering, Philippines)
  6. "Intercropping of Corn and Peanut in Changing Climate" (Nouyang, MS Agronomy, Lao PDR)
  7. "The Economic Value of Agrometeorological Information in Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam" (Trinh Quang Thoai, PhD Agricultural Economics, Vietnam)


  1. "Modelling and Analysis of Energy Utilization and Environmental Impact in Oil Palm Plantation" (Siti Amni Binti Ismail, PhD Agricultural Mechanization and Automation)
  2. "Role of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing on Agricultural Land Management and Statistics in Myanmar"(Htein Linn, PhD Soil Science)
  3. "Selection of Maize genotypes Tolerant to Drought Stress" (Marcos Correia Vidal, MS Plant Breeding and Biotechnology)
  4. "Multidimensional Indicators of Adaptive Capacity of Rice-farming Households to Address Varying Conditions of Salt-Water intrusion in Northern Mindanao, Philippines"( Catherine Roween Almaden, PhD Development Studies)
  5. "Disaster Risk Communication management for Flood-prone Areas in Davao City, Philippines"(Karen Joyce Cayamanda, PhD Development Studies)


  1. "Assessment of Soil Quality of Different Agricultural Practices in Rain-fed Lowland Rice in Cambodia using Biofuctool Approach" (Sar Veng, MS Tropical Agriculture)
  2. "Climate Change and Adaptive Strategies in the Fishery Sector: Assessing the Impacts on Small Scale Fisherfolks in the Western Coast of Leyte" (Zyra Mae Centino, PhD Agricultural Economics)
  3. "Adoption of Climate Change Adaptation Measures from External Institutions by Upland Farmers in Community Prone to Landslide with regards to Their Livelihood"(Edchelle Flores, MS Extension Education)
  4. "GIS and Remote Sensing Application in Forest Management at Cardamom in Cambodia"(Khorn Norin, MS Forest Management and Ecosystem Sciences)
  5. "Climate Change Vulnerabilty and Food Security Assessment of Selected Agricultural Communities in Rural Areas of Mindanao Island, Philippines" (Romiel John Basan, PhD Agricultural Economics)
  6. "Study of Climate Change Impacts on Drought and Adaptation Strategies in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam"(Hoang Le Huong, PhD Forestry)
  7. "Climate Change Adaptation and Resiliency"(Ines Soares Pereira, MS Environmental Science)
  8. "Strengthen Adaptive Capacity of Farmers to Climate Change in Hai Hau District, Nam Dinh Province" (Dang Nam Phuong, MS Agricultural Economics)
  9. "Heritability of Drought Tolerant Traits of Soybean" (Nguyen Thi Quynh, PhD Agronomy)
  10. "Integration of Climate Change in the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Curriculum in Selected Universities in SEA" (Imelda Grace Siregar, PhD Agricultural Education)
  11. "Assessing Resilience of Candaba Swamp using Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) Model" (Gerald Salas, PhD Environmental Science)
  12. "Evaluation of Post Coal Mining Reclamation on Improvement of Soil Properties and Hydrological Function in East Kalimantan as a Process of Ecosystem Resilience" (Antun Puspanti, PhD Forestry)

FY 2018/2019

  1. "Climate Change Adaptation in the Philippines: An Analysis of Climate Adaptaton Options in Response to the Urgency for Action to Climate Change" (Justine Louise Relapalam, MS Environmental Science)
  2. "Climate Change, Fisheries Management and The Fate of Sama-Bajau People; A new sign of Re-Survival or Collapse? (A Study Case of the Sama-Bajau People in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia)" (Amar Maruf, PhD Community Development)
  3. "Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Coastal Ecosystems and Communities in Selected Coastal Municipalities in the Philippines" (Shirly Serrano, PhD Environmental Science)
  4. "Resilience is the New Green: An Evaluation of Climate Adaptability Techniques and Strategies of Disaster- Prone Areas in the Bicol Region" (Judith Jimena, PhD Extension Education)
  5. "Sugar Palm Trees; Climate-Adapted and Integrated Agricultural for Sustainable Livelihood and Ecosystem Conservation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam" (Trang Thi My Duyen, PhD Agricultural and Resource Economics)
  6. "Mekong Delta before the Flood: Climate Change, Hydro-politics and the Vietnamese Approach to Climate Resilient Development" (Nguyen Quang Minh, PhD Climate change mitigation policy and environmental justice)
  7. "Rice Farmer’s Vulnerability and Adaptation Method to Climate Variability in Coastal Area of Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam" (Nguyen Tuan Tran Ngoc, MS agricultural and resource economics)
  8. "Participatory Rice Breeding for Climate Change and Gender Analysis" (Vina Eka Aristya, PhD Agricultural Sciences)

List of Professorial Chair Grants, 2015-2019

FY 2014/2015

  1. "Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Agribusiness Enterprises in the Philippines" (Dinah Pura T. Depositario, UPLB, Philippines)


  1. "Enhancing Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change of Vulnerable Communities in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam" (Vo Thanh Danh, Professorial Chair grantee)


  1. "Climate Change and Its Impact on Agricultural Productivity in Malaysia" (Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Samad)
  2. "Re-engineering the Environment for Whole Year Round Production of High-Value Crops in the Lowland Tropics" (Ireneo Agulto,)
  3. "Climate Proofing and Integrated Crop Management to Enhance Vegetable Profitability and Food Security in the Southern Philippines" (Zenaida Gonzaga)
  4. "Towards Building Resiliency: Insights on the Use of Climate Information by Farmers in Vulnerable Communities" (Rotacio Gravoso,)

FY 2018/2019

  1. "Harnessing GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies Towards Improved Water Governance and Agricultural Productivity" (Nathaniel Alibuyog)

List of Conferences, Executive Fora, and Training Workshops Organized and Co-organized by SEARCA, 2015-2019

No.Title of EventVenue / DateNo. of ParticipantsActivity Partner/s
International / Regional Training (6)
1 Regional Knowledge Sharing Writeshop on Climate Change Adaptation in Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development

15-17 April 2015


Total: 18

Cambodia – 2
Indonesia - 2
Philippines – 10
Thailand -1
Vietnam – 2
France - 1

Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management; French International Agency for Research and Development (CIRAD); International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
2 Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Asia 2015 Regional Workshop (Themes: Climate Change Modeling and Monitoring, Disaster Risk Reduction, ICT Applications to Food Security, and Urban and Rural Informatics) 25-26 May 2015

Total: 62

France – 9
Germany -2
Indonesia – 4
Italy - 2
Japan – 2
Korea – 2
Malaysia 1
Nepal – 1
Pakistan – 2
Philippines – 28
Singapore – 2
Sri Lanka – 1
Thailand – 1
UK – 1
USA- 1
Vietnam – 3

The Embassy of France to the Philippines; French Delegation for Regional Cooperation (DREG); United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Regional Science Bureau; University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
3 The Policy Enabling Environment and Climate Change Adaptation in Inclusive and Sustainable Agricultural and Rural Development (ISARD): Second Knowledge Sharing Writeshop 13-15 April 2016

Total: 16

Cambodia – 1
Indonesia - 1
Philippines – 10
Thailand - 3
Vietnam – 1

Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management
4 IFS-SEARCA Workshop on Collaborative Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

30 August-1 September 2016


Total: 61

Cambodia – 2
Indonesia – 8
Malaysia -7
Myanmar – 3
Philippines - 11
Thailand - 7
Timor-Leste – 1
Vietnam – 16
Tanzania - 1
Burkina Faso - 1
Uganda – 2
Ghana - 1
Nigeria - 1

International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden; Food Security Center (FSC), University of Hohenheim (UHOH), Germany
5 Philippine-French Forum on Agriculture: How the agricultural sector addresses the challenges of food security and farmers' well-being amidst climate change

26 September 2018

New World Hotel, Manila, Philippines

Total: 120

Embassy of France in the Philippines; DA; ACB; IRRI; DOST-PCAAARRD; UPLB
6 IFS-SEARCA Mentoring Workshop on Collaborative Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

20-21 November 2018


Total: 27

Cambodia - 3
Indonesia - 1
Malaysia - 5
Myanmar - 1
Philippines - 4
Thailand - 4
Timor-Leste - 1
Vietnam - 8

The Embassy of France to the Philippines; French Delegation for Regional Cooperation (DREG); United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Regional Science Bureau; University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
National Knowledge/Learning Events – Philippines (2)
1 DA-BAR Study Tour on Climate Change (with PRODEV)  

Total: 5

Philippines - 5

2 Establishing Climate-Smart Villages (CSVs) in the ASEAN region to Improve Food Security and Resiliency in Local Communities

9-13 July 2019


Total: 12

Cambodia – 2
Indonesia – 1
Lao PDR – 3
Malaysia – 1
Myanmar – 1
Philippines – 2
Thailand – 2

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Southeast Asia (CCAFS SEA)

Online Course (15)

Sixth Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

24 January-16 May 2015
UP Open University

Total: 9

Philippines - 9

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Seventh Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

17 July-7 November 2015
UP Open University

Total: 7

Philippines - 7

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Eight Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

23 January-14 May 2016
UP Open University

Total: 23

Philippines - 23

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Ninth Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

16 July-5 November 2016
UP Open University

Total: 7

Philippines - 7

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Tenth Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

28 January-20 May 2017
UP Open University

Total: 5

Philippines - 5

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Eleventh Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

15 July-4 November 2017
UP Open University

Total: 3

Philippines - 3

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Twelfth Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

28 January-20 May 2018
UP Open University

Total: 14

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Thirteenth Online Course on Responding to Climate Risks in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management

14 July-3 November 2018
UP Open University


UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


First Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

5 September-28 November 2015
UP Open University

Total: 23

Philippines - 23

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Second Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

23 January-16 April 2016
UP Open University

Total: 11

Philippines - 11

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Third Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

16 July-8 October 2016
UP Open University

Total: 21

Philippines - 21

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Fourth Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

28 January-22 April 2017
UP Open University

Total: 11

Philippines - 11

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Fifth Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

15 July-7 October 2017
UP Open University

Total: 15

Philippines - 15

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Sixth Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

28 January-22 April 2018
UP Open University

Total: 4

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.


Seventh Online Course on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Policies, Plans, and Investments toward ISARD

14 July-6 October 2018
UP Open University

Total: 23

Philippines - 23

UP Open University

UPOU Foundation, Inc.

Project-based Knowledge/Learning Events (6)

Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Policies, Plans, and Programs in Agriculture: A Training-workshop for DA-AMIA Trainers and Focal Persons

4-7 August 2015

Philippines: 24



Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Policies, Plans, and Programs in Agriculture: A Training-workshop

20-23 October 2015

Philippines: 14



Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Policies, Plans, and Programs in Agriculture: A Training-workshop

3-6 November 2015

Philippines: 25



Overseas Study Mission on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Initiatives in Agriculture in Vietnam

30 November- 4 December 2015
Hanoi, Vietnam

Philippines: 15



Training of DA Trainers in Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Policies, Plans, and Programs in Agriculture

11-15 January 2016

Philippines: 25



Overseas Study Mission in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Initiatives in Agriculture in Thailand

14-18 March 2016
Bangkok, Thailand

Philippines: 12


List of Policy Roundtables (PRT), 2015-2019

  1. Policy Roundtable on Rice and Important Agricultural Commodities in Myanmar (Rice++): Towards Evidence Based Policy Formulation
  2. Policy Roundtable: Rice Policies across Southeast Asia
  3. Regional Roundtable Discussion and Workshop on the Development of Ecological Monitoring Network in Southeast Asia
  4. Improving the Agricultural Insurance Program to Enhance Resilience To Climate Change In Southeast Asia
  5. Policy Roundtable on Biotechnology: Biotechnology for Food Security in a Climate Change Scenario and ASEAN Integration
  6. Policy Roundtable on Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector towards Food Security in Southeast Asia
  7. Policy Roundtable on Ensuring Food Security through Improving the Agricultural Insurance Program to Enhance Resilience to Climate Change

List of Agriculture and Development Seminar Series (ADSS), 2015-2019

The Academe's Contribution in Resolving Pressing Social and Environmental Challenges​

20 Jun Agricultural Innovation Studies and Climate Change: A Systematic Review of Evidence Mr. Winifredo B. Dagli
Assistant Professor
College of Development Communication
University of the Philippines Los Baños
10 May Mangroves and Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges in Blue Carbon Governance in the Philippines Dr. Dixon T. Gevaña
UPLB Centennial Professorial Chair Awardee and Assistant Professor
Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance
College of Forestry and Natural Resources,
UP Los Baños
5 Apr How to Teach Fishers to Fish for Life: Lessons Learned from Leveraging Market Incentives to Build Economic Resilience of Selected Coastal Towns in the Philippines Mr. Cris Lomboy
Director of Markets and Enterprise
Rare Philippines
9 May The Udalo Watershed Pilot Project: An Experiment on Climate Change Hyper-Adaptation Mr. Philippe Couture
Project Coordinator
Hyper Adaptive & Territorial Coherent Habitat (HATCHabitat)
Lantau Island, Hongkong
25 Apr Ecotown Approach to Climate Change-Adaptive Local Government Planning in Selected Municipalities in the Philippines Dr. Diomedes A. Racelis
Professor and Director
Institute of Renewable Natural Resources
CFNR, UP Los Baños
28 Mar Developing a Community Well-being Index in Disaster-Prone Areas of the Philippines Dr. Merites M. Buot
Associate Professor
Department of Human Kinetics
College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines Los Baños
28 Feb BINHI: Debunking the Reasons Not to Plant Native Trees Prof. Pastor L. Malabrigo
Associate Professor
Dept. of Forest Biological Sciences
College of Forestry and Natural Resources
University of the Philippines Los Baños
13 Oct The Academe's Contribution in Resolving Pressing Social and Environmental Challenges Mr. Paul Wolvekamp
15 Jun Reducing the High Energy Bill and Carbon Footprint for an Energy and Climate Change-Compliant Sugarcane Production Dr. Teodoro C. Mendoza
Professor and Scientist II
Crop Science Cluster
College of Agriculture
7 Jun How much do Households in a Sub-watershed Pay for Damages and Adaptation Strategies During Extreme Events? Dr. Zenaida M. Sumalde
College of Economics and Management
25 Apr Exploring the Potentials of Community Media for Climate Change Resilience through Social Transformation towards the New Normal in the Asia Pacific Region Dr. Benjamina G. Flor
Assistant Professor VI
College of Development Communication
22 Sep Crop Insurance as Resiliency Measure to Climate Change: Evidence from Corn Farmers in the Philippines Dr. Jose Yorobe, Jr.
College of Economics and Management
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Apr 21 Climate Change Adaptation Strategies of Agribusiness Enterprises in the Philippines

Dr. Dinah Pura Depositario
SEARCA Professorial Chair Grantee
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Agribusiness Management
College of Economics and Management
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)

Mar 13 Media and Inter-agency Collaboration to Mitigate Climate Change

Dr. Bruce Tolentino
Deputy Director-General for Partnership
International Rice Research Institute
Ms. Vilma S. Dimaculangan
Department of Agriculture - Region IV

Mar 10 Assessing Vulnerability of Fisheries in the Philippines to Climate Change Impacts: Tool for Understanding Resilience of Fisheries

Ms. Remelyn I. de Ramos
Research Assistant
Marine Science Institute
University of the Philippines Diliman

Online Platform and Publications

Online Platform

KC3 logoKnowledge Center on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia (KC3) (

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)'s KC3 is a one-stop-shop of information on climate change adaptation in agriculture and natural resource management in the region. It features SEARCA's projects, learning events, publications, and other climate change initiatives.


  1. Sajise, Percy E., M. C. H. Cadiz, and R. B. Bantayan. 2016. Learning and Coping with Change: Case Stories of Climate Change Adaptation in Southeast Asia. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. Yorobe, Jose M., Jr., P. M. Luis, F. H. Bordey, and I. A. Arida. 2017. Improving the Agricultural Insurance Program to Enhance Resilience to Climate Change: Evidence from Rice and Corn Production in the Philippines. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Sajise, Percy E., R. Lasco, M. C. Cadiz, and R. Bantayan. 2018. Policy-Enabling Environment for Climate Change Adaptation: Some Experiences in Southeast Asia. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.


  1. Sawhney, P. and M. Perkins (Eds.). 2015. Emerging Climate Change Adaptation Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region, IGES.
  2. "Discovering New Roads to Development Volume 4: Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resilience." Discovering New Roads Vol. 4. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Ramirez, Mark Anthony M., A. M. Lecciones, and X. G. B. Capiña. 2019. Social Forestry in the ASEAN Region: Gaps and Strategic Interventions. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  4. Ella, Victor B. 2019. "Conservation Agriculture: A Biological Engineering Approach to Sustainable Agriculture in Support of Rural Development in Southeast Asia." Regional Professorial Chair Lecture No. 1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  5. Ismail, Mohd Razi. 2019. "Plant Adaptation to Environmental Stresses: A Key Challenge to Rice Food Security." Regional Professorial Chair Lecture No. 2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  6. Aris, Ahmad Zaharin. 2019. "Impact of Climate and Land-Use Changes on Water Quality." Regional Professorial Chair Lecture No. 3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) Articles

  1. Almaden, Catherine Roween C., A.C. Rola, R.DT. Baconguis, J.M. Pulhin, J.V. Camacho, Jr., and R.C. Ancog. 2019. "Determinants of Adaptation for Slow-Onset Hazards: The Case of Rice-Farming Households Affected by Seawater Intrusion in Northern Mindanao, Philippines." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 16(1):92-115.
  2. Landicho, Leila D., C. Wulandari, B. Huy, R.G. Visco, W.M. Carandang, and R.E.D. Cabahug. 2019. "Enhancing Local Adaptive Capacities of Selected Upland Farming Communities in Southeast Asia: Lessons and Experiences." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 16(1):117-131.
  3. Tuong, The Tran, G. Branca, A. Arslan, and T.V. Mai. 2018. "Bio-Economic Assessment of Climate-Smart Tea Production in The Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(2):1-19.
  4. Yokoyama, Shigeki, C.D. Le, H. Fuji, Y. Fujihara, and K. Hoshikawa. 2018. "Economic Feasibility of Diversified Farming System in the Flood-Prone Mekong Delta: Simulation for Dike Area in An Giang Province, Vietnam." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(2):21-39.
  5. Nath, Hiranya K., and R. Mandal. 2018. "Heterogeneous Climatic Impacts on Agricultural Production: Evidence from Rice Yield in Assam, India." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(1):23-42.
  6. Paltasingh, Kirtti Ranjan, and P. Goyari. 2018. "Statistical Modeling of Crop-Weather Relationship in India: A Survey on Evolutionary Trend of Methodologies." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(1):43-60.
  7. Malenab, Ma. Charisma T., E.S. Visco, J.M.S. Amparo, D.A. Torio, M.D. Mendoza, and M.R.J.T. Atole. 2018. "Integrated Adaptation Management Approach toward Sustained Fish Production by Fish Farmers of Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(1):61-73.
  8. Nguyen, Hoang Khanh Linh, J. Degener, N.B. Ngoc, and T.T.M. Chau. 2018. Mapping Risk of Landslide at A Luoi District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam by GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 15(1):87-105.
  9. Murniati, Ktut, J.H. Mulyo, Irham, and S. Hartono.2017. "The Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change of Two Different Farmer Communities in Tanggamus Region, Lampung Province, Indonesia." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 14(2):1-16.
  10. Santos, Lope III B., L.S. Callanta-Mariano, L.R. Garces, M.L. Perez, I.L.J. Buendia, A.C. Alolod, A.G. Tallada, and J.P. Saceda. 2017. "Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Small-scale Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Misamis Occidental, Philippines." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 14(2):17-30.
  11. Sajise, Asa Jose U., P.J.B. Ramirez, M.L. Perez, J.K.B. Arias, and G.J. Zamora. 2017. "Determinants of Climate Change Adaptive Behavior in Coastal Communities in Southeast Asia." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 14(2):49-61.
  12. Koirala, Ananta, and K.B. Shrestha. 2017. "Effects of Climate Change on the Livestock Population in Mustang District, Nepal." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 14(1):37-49.
  13. Manalo, Jaime IV A., F.M. Saludez, M.G. Layaoen, A.M. Pagdanganan, J.C. Berto, C.A. Frediles, K.P. Balmeo, and J.D. Villaflor. "Climate-Smart Agriculture: Do Young People Care?" Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 14(1):59-76.
  14. Landicho, Leila D., R.G. Visco, R.F. Paelmo, R.D. Cabahug, R.S. Baliton, M.L.O. Espaldon, and R.D. Lasco. 2015. "Field-Level Evidences of Climate Change and Coping Strategies of Smallholder Farmers in Molawin-Dampalit Sub-Watershed, Makiling Forest Reserve, Philippines." Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development 12(1):81-94.

Policy Briefs

  1. SEARCA, IGES. 2015. Agricultural Innovation: Options for Appropriate Technologies in Responding to Climate Change. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. Nguyen Thi Huyen. 2016. "Assessing the Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Soil and Water Resources in the Srepok Watershed, Central Highland, Vietnam." SEARCA Policy Brief Series 2016-2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Manlosa, Aisa O., and H. G. A. Valera "Impact of Flooding on Agricultural Livelihoods in Jabonga, Agusan del Norte." SEARCA Policy Brief Series 2016-3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  4. Ancog, Rico, C. Ruzol, A. Sarapuddin, and R. Ruzol. 2017. "Building networks for sustainable community-based forest management: Lessons from the assessment of selected CBFM projects in the Philippines." SEARCA Policy Brief Series 2017. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

Policy Papers

  1. Catelo, Maria Angeles O., H. A. Francisco, and B. A. C. Darvin. 2016. "Economic Instruments in Environmental and Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia and China: Lessons and Way Forward." Policy Paper. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. Calub, Blesilda M., L. S. Africa, B. M. Burgos, H. M. Custodio, S. Chiang, A. G. C. Vallez, E. I. N. E. Galang, and M. K. R. Punto. 2019. "The School-Plus-Home Gardens Project in the Philippines: A Participatory and Inclusive Model for Sustainable Development." Policy Paper 2019-1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.


  1. Rebugio, Lucrecio L., S. S. L. Ilao, B. M. Burgos, C. N. G. Rogel, R. Wassmann, and B. Ole Sander. 2018. Strategic Policy Response to Climate Change in the Philippines Vol. 1: Portfolio of Climate Change Policies in Agriculture. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. Rebugio, Lucrecio L., S. S. L. Ilao, B. M. Burgos, C. N. G. Rogel, R. Wassmann, and B. Ole Sander. 2018. Strategic Policy Response to Climate Change in the Philippines Vol. 2: Exploring How Climate Change Policies are translated into Local Actions in the Agriculture Sector. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Calub, Blesilda M., L. S. Africa, B. M. Burgos, H. M. Custodio, and M. K. R. Punto. 2019. School-Plus-Home Gardens Guidebook. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

Research, Experience and Learning Notes/Briefs

Agriculture and Development Notes

  1. Sandoval, Roberto Pedro C., Jr., H. Kanamaru, and J. Hancock. 2015. "Designing and Monitoring and Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaptation Planning and Implementation." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 5, no. 6. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. de Ramos, Remelyn I. 2015. "Assessing Vulnerability of Coastal Fisheries in the Philippines to Climate Change Impacts: Tool for Understanding Resilience of Fisheries (VA-TURF)." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 6, no. 1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Ravago, Majah Leah V., J. A. Roumasset, and K. Jandoc. 2016. "Helping Farm Households Cope with Climate Change and Adverse Events." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 6, no. 2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  4. Seibert, Berthold. 2016. "Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning: A New Paradigm in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation." Agriculture and Development Notes, vol. 6, no. 3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  5. Barker, Randolph. 2016. "The Never-ending Challenge of Managing Water Resources: Focus on a Half Century of Experience in Asia." Agriculture and Development Notes, vol. 7, no. 3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  6. Gustafson, David I. 2016. "Assessing Sustainable Nutrition Security: The Role of Food Systems." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 7, no. 5. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  7. Malabrigo, Pastor L., Jr. 2017. "BINHI Tree for the Future: Debunking the Reasons Not to Plant Native Trees." Agriculture and Development Notes, vol. 8, no. 3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  8. Manalo, Jaime A., IV. 2017. "Climate-smart agriculture: Do young people care?" Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 8, no. 4. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  9. Mac Nhu Binh, Le Duc Ngoan, Le Thi Hoa Sen, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Jennifer Bond, Truong Van Dan, and Le Thi Hong Phuong. 2018. "Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Fisheries in the Coastal Areas of Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 8, no. 5. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  10. Calub, Blesilda M., L. S. Africa, B. M. Burgos, H. M. Custodio, S. Chiang, A. G. C. Vallez, E. I. N. E. Galang, and M. K. R. Punto. 2019. "The School-Plus-Home Gardens Project in the Philippines: A Participatory and Inclusive Model for Sustainable Development." Agriculture and Development Notes, vol. 9, no. 1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  11. Almaden, C. R. C. Almaden, Thanh Tung Diep, A. C. Rola, R. DT. Baconguis, J. M. Pulhin, J. V. Camacho, Jr., and R. C. Ancog. 2019. "Meso-Level Analysis on Rice-Farmers' Adaptive Measures for Slow Onset Hazard: The Case of Saltwater Intrusion in the Philippines and Vietnam." Agriculture and Development Notes on Climate Change Adaptation, vol. 9, no. 2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

ASRF Learning Notes

  1. ASRF NO. 1: Capacity Assessment for Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) Extension Workers in Lampung Province
  2. ASRF NO. 2: Strengthening Multi-stakeholder Engagement to Accelerate Social Forestry Development
  3. ASRF NO. 3: Linking Forest, Water, and Energy: Assessing Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts of Forest Management
  4. ASRF NO. 4: Development of Planning Process for Mukim Forest Recognition: Preparatory Phase
  5. ASRF NO. 5: Strengthening the Community Forestry Program Coordination Committee at Sub-National Level to Enhance Community Forestry Development
  6. ASRF NO. 6: Resource Trends Assessment and Feasibility Study on Sustainable Harvesting, Rehabilitation, and Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Siem Reap
  7. ASRF NO. 7: Lessons Learned from Crafting the Technical Guidelines on the Forest-based Income Generation Models in Vietnam
  8. ASRF NO. 8: Management of Watershed Protection Forest Based on the Muong Minority Ethnic Communities in Da Bac District, Hoa Binh Province, Vietnam
  9. ASRF NO. 9: Social Network Analysis of Selected Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) Projects in the Philippines
  10. ASRF NO. 10: Enhancing Technical Guidelines on Village Forestry Management Planning through Stakeholder Consultation
  11. ASRF NO. 11: Technical Study Tour on Social Forestry to Enhance Capacity Building through Knowledge Sharing of Malaysian Delegates
  12. ASRF NO. 12: Development of a National Roadmap on Social Forestry in Malaysia
  13. ASRF NO. 13: Enhancing Community Forest Performance in Myanmar by Reviewing Community Forestry Instructions (1995) through Stakeholders' Consultation
  14. ASRF NO. 14: Enhancing Agroforestry Implementation through Study Tour on Agroforestry-based Livelihood Improvement


  1. SEARCA and EEPSEA. 2015. Economic Instruments Applied in Environmental and Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia: Forum-Workshop Proceedings. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. SEARCA, PCIC, and PhilRice. 2017. Policy Roundtable Proceedings: Improving Agricultural Insurance for Climate Change Resilience in Southeast Asia. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. SEARCA 2019. Reshaping Agriculture and Development in Southeast Asia: An Experts Consultation Forum. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  4. SEARCA, IIRR, UPLB, DepEd, and SEAMEO. 2019. Training of Trainers on Scaling up the School-Plus-Home Gardens Model in Southeast Asia: Narrative Report. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  5. SEARCA, UPLB, and CIRAD. 2019. Workshop on Applications of OneHealth/EcoHealth towards Sustainable Livestock Production in Southeast Asia: Narrative Report. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

Discussion Paper Series

  1. Wulandari, Christine. 2015. "Predicting Sustainability of Agroforestry in a Customary Forest (Hutan Marga) in Lampung Province, Indonesia." Discussion Paper Series 2015-1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  2. Manlosa, Aisa O., and H. G. A. Valera. 2016. "Socio-economic Approach to Microscale Flood Damage Assessment in a Lakeshore Community." Discussion Paper Series 2016-1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  3. Mac Nhu Binh, Le Van An, Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Ngo Thi Huong Giang, Ho Thi Thu Hoai, and Truong Van Dan. 2016. "Impact of Climate Change on Aquaculture in Phu Vang District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam." Discussion Paper Series 2016-3. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  4. Pulhin, Juan M. 2016. "Toward a Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Umbrella Program in Southeast Asia: A Proposed Framework for Collaboration." Discussion Paper Series 2016-5. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  5. Nguyen Thi Huyen, Le Hoang Tu, Nguyen Duy Liem, Vo Ngoc Quyn Tram, Duong Ngoc Minh, and Nguyen Kim Loi. 2017. "Assessing Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Soil and Water Resources in the Srepok Watershed, Central Highland of Vietnam." Discussion Paper Series 2016-2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  6. Cajucom, Norman. R. 2017. "Agricultural Insurance in the Philippines: Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change." Discussion Paper Series 2017-1. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  7. Comia, Reynaldo A., L. D. Landicho, R.S. Baliton, R. E. D. Cabahug, and R. F. Paelmo. 2018. "Scaling Up Agroforestry Promotion for Sustainable Development of Selected Smallholder Farmers in the Philippines." Discussion Paper Series 2017-4. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.
  8. Nelles, Wayne. 2018. "Contexts, Challenges, and Opportunities for Agrobiodiversity Mainstreaming, Conservation, and Sustainable Use in Southeast Asia." Discussion Paper Series 2018-2. Los Baños, Philippines: SEARCA.

Other Publications

  1. Lansigan, Felino P. 2015. Implementation Issues in Weather Index-based Insurance for Agricultural Production: A Philippine Case Study. Hayama, Japan: IGES; Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines: SEARCA.