SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics Vol. 56 No. 3 (June 2024)

SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics Vol. 56 No. 3 (June 2024)
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2024 | SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics Vol. 56 No. 3
  • Paperback 1029-7073
  • e-ISSN 2224-8978

This issue of the SABRAO journal is teeming with articles on genetic and breeding studies of crops, such as cotton, sorghum, wheat, maize, and beans. There are studies also on weed management, soil health, fertilizer application, and environmental stresses on crops. Notably, is a discovery of a new species from the Kurdistan region in Iraq. These and dozens more highlight interesting and exciting findings into the world of genetics and breeding in agriculture.


Table of Contents

  1. Namazov SHE, Mamarahimov BI, Matyoqubov SK, Sodiqova OH, Karimov SH, Bobokhujayev SHU, Sanamyan MF, Darmanov MM (2024). Cytogenetic analysis of cotton hybrids derived from introgressive lines. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 906-917.
  2. Abbasi MF, Din AU, Abbasi FM (2024) Gene pyramiding through intercross populations for bacterial blight and brown planthopper resistance in rice. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 918-928.
  3. Anany AH, Soliman KA, Abushady AM, Elhalwagi AAH, Thabet SG, Alqudah AM (2024). Genetic diversity among seeded date palm genotypes using start codon targeted (SCoT) markers. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 929-939.
  4. Mahfut, Kendari P, Susiyanti E, Ahyar AN, Bangsawan R (2024). Molecular characterization of the sugarcane cultivar GMP3 mutants induced through colchicine using PCR-RAPD markers. Sabrao J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 940-950.
  5. Wirnas D, Trikoesoemaningtyas, Rini EP, Marwiyah S, Sopandie D, Nur A (2024). Genetic study of amylose content and yield-related traits in sorghum germplasm. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 951-962.
  6. Genet. 56(3): 951-962. Ivanova MI, Baikov AA, Gins EM, Gins VK, Kashleva AI, Gins MS, Motyleva SM, Pivovarov VF, Smurova NV (2024). Biochemical composition, nutritional values, and calorie content of Allium species: a systematic review. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 963-972.
  7. Aidarbekova TZH, Khussainov AT, Syzdykova GT, Nurpeissov IA, Kushanova RZH (2024). Photosynthetic activity of spring wheat on chernozem soil under diverse mineral nutrition in Northern Kazakhstan. Sabrao J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 973-987.
  8. Umedova ME, Turaev OS, Komilov DJ, Amanboyeva RS, Kholova MD, Norov TM, Ernazarova DK, Kushanov FN, Seytnazarova TY, Rakhmankulov MS (2024). Bibliometric analysis of the past research based on mas technology in cotton improvement. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 988-1000.
  9. Aslam M, Khan SH, Beshir A, Hussain M, Aslam MA (2024). Genetic divergence and extent of association among indicators linked to zinc contents and yield in tropical maize. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1001-1011.
  10. Dani, Purwoko BS, Wahyu Y., Syukur M, Syafaruddin (2024). Hybrid seed success of Coffea canephora x C. arabica interspecific heteroploid crossing direction. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1012-1021.
  11. Baloch TA, Jatoi WA, Mari SN, Shirazi U, Marri FA, Jatoi IA, Baloch ZA, Baloch SN, Lal K (2024). Superior wheat hybrids development for physiological and yieldrelated traits under adverse environmental conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1022-1036.
  12. Al-Naggar AMM, Shabana R, Younis ASM Metwally AMA (2024). Inheritance of adaptive characteristics with high-plant density and low-N in maize (Zea mays L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1037-1048.
  13. Ivanova MI, Baikov AA, Gins EM, Gins VK, Kashleva AI, Gins MS, Motyleva SM, Pivovarov VF, Smurova NV (2024). Assessment of phytochemicals in Allium species: a systematic review. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1049-1059.
  14. Matniyazova H, Tillaboyeva D, Ergasheva G, Shaxmurova G, Yuldashov U, Sherimbetov A (2024). Alternaria alternata fungus effects on physiological and biochemical processes of soybean. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 10601071.
  15. Astarkhanova T, Bereznov AV, Saquee FS, Diakite S, Zargar M, Garikovna KD (2024). Effect of thiamethoxam seed treatment on insect pest prevalence and grain yield in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1072-1082.
  16. Mahfut, Kendari P, Bangsawan R, Susiyanti E (2024). Agronomic characteristics of sugarcane cultivar GMP3 mutants induced through colchicine. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3):
  17. Wardani FF, Efendi D, Purwoko BS, Suhartanto MR, Latifah D (2024). Physiological maturity and critical moisture content of Terap (Artocarpus elasticus Reinw. ex Blume) for effective seed banking. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 10951109.
  18. Khalid MN, Shakeel A, Saeed A, Mustafa G (2024). Morpho-physiological and biochemical markers for the selection of salt tolerant genotypes in Gossypium hirsutum. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1110-1123.
  19. Hasan SA, Khadhum MK, Hanoon MB, Abdullah RM (2024). Genetic analysis of the phenotypic and molecular correlations among the RAPD-PCR markers in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1124-1133.
  20. Alogaidi FF, Alshugeairy ZK, Abed ZA (2024). Genetic variation in enzymes and physiological responses of wheat cultivars under drought conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1134-1146.
  21. Buchori A, Sanjaya IPW, Putra RP, Sukma D, Suprapta DN, Syukur M, Nurcholis W, Aisyah SI (2024). Assessment of Tagetes patula mutants and its wild type for flower morphology, polyphenol contents, and antioxidant activity. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1147-1158.
  22. Al–Hayani MSB, Al-Dulaimi OIM, Al-Hdeethi MAH (2024). Anatomical variations in the stem and leaf epidermis of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) with foliar application of manganese and zinc. Sabrao J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1159-1168
  23. Ofi BG, Abass MH, Salih YA (2024). First report of exserohilum rostratum as a potential pathogen of the faba bean leaf spot disease in Iraq. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1169-1176.
  24. Blebish FKJ, Al-Anbari MAI (2024). Field performance of maize synthetic cultivars under the influence of mineral and organic fertilizer combinations. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1177-1186.
  25. Mohammed I, Karrar H, Al-Taey DKA, Li G, Yonglin R, Alsaffar MF (2024) Response of rose stem cuttings to Indole-3-Butyric acid for root formation and growth traits. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1187-1198.
  26. Aledhari AH, Jabbar Sh M, Sardar Ash (2024). Orobanche garatiaca sardar et aledhari (orobanchaceae): a new species from the kurdistan region of Iraq. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1199-1206.
  27. Mohamed SA, Majeed RE, Tawfiq AA (2024). Isolation and diagnosis of Lysinibacillus fusiformis obtained from soil and its use as biofertilizer in wheat. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1207-1218.
  28. Al-Dulaimi ZS, Ali MJ (2024). Response of oat (Avena sativa L.) growth and production to water stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 12191227.
  29. Al-Shammeryi WHM (2024). Effect of micronutrients and nano fertilizers on the growth and productivity of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1228-1235.
  30. Nassar AK, Ibade KW, Karakoç OC (2024). Weed management in potato crops using herbicide metribuzin in integration with agronomic operations. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1236-1243.
  31. Sarbout AK, Sharhan MH, Salih AA (2024). Allelochemical potential of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) In weeds suppression. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1244-1250.
  32. Fatima MM , Al-Yasari MNH (2024). Effect of mineral fertilizer combination and foliar application of seaweed extract on the growth and yield traits of maize. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1251-1261.
  33. Al-Sabagh TMHB, Hadi SF, Abdul-Kadhim MH, Qahraman DS (2024). Response of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) Seed treated with gibberellin under water-stress conditions. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1262-1270.
  34. Ahmad RAH, Twaij SDAA, Ibrahim AM (2024). Phytohormones, bio- and mineral fertilizers effects on the growth and secondary compounds of chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1271-1281.
  35. Salman NM, Al-Shaheen MR, Al-Bayaty AJA (2024). Natural biostimulants from licorice and yeast can improve the Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) growth and performance. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1282-1289.
  36. Kamil YS, Shamran HM, Abd-Jabbar EA, Al-Safaar AHA (2024). Effect of foliar application of NPK and amino acid on the growth and yield-related traits of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 12901297.
  37. Saleh SM (2024). The concentration of heavy elements in cultivated and uncultivated soil of Basrah, Iraq. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1298-1307.
  38. Al-Shammeryi WHM (2024). Mineral and nano-sulfur fertilizers effects on the morphological and biochemical components of the ginger (zingiber officinale L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1308-1315.
  39. Mezher ZY, Almehanya FH (2024). Effect of potassium nitrate and black tea leaf waste on the chemical composition of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1316-1323.
  40. Raheem AH, Taha AA, Kalee HHHA (2024). Phosphate fertilizers effects on the growth and yield traits of faba bean (Vicia faba L.). SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 56(3): 1324-1333. 
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