Through a coordinated program of diagnostic and analytical work, policy advice, capacity building, and multi-stakeholder dialogues, the transaction technical assistance (TA) will support the government to move forward on the climate resilience reform agenda of the CCAP, covering agriculture, natural resources, and the environment. It will support the preparation and achievement of the relevant policy and institutional objectives of the ensuing Subprogram 2, and the implementation of climate resilience policy actions and institutional reforms required to achieve the relevant overall outcomes of the program. As such, the TA represents an important instrument for assisting the Philippines to achieve its medium-term climate resilience objectives as encapsulated in the CCAP. The TA will assist the government of the Philippines to achieve the CCAP Subprogram 2 climate-resilience policy actions and outcome indicators outlined in the policy design and monitoring program (Subprogram 1 policy actions have already been achieved). In doing so, the TA will comply with all relevant ADB policies and requirements, and will ensure adherence to the gender and safeguard policies of the government and ADB.